Sunday, November 2, 2008

Could it come down to a prayer?

Why It seem that Bush stole the last two presidential elections? Probably because he did. But perhaps all those religious zealots praying for him did something too. What ever else you can do for the campaign on election day (I'll be in Toledo) pray for an Obama victory. Pray, visualize, imagine, meditate, send good vibes. Believe that we can win.

(....I told you I would make a difference)

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Sigh. I just typed a whole long comment here and then lost it when i tried to log in to post it. so-- to quickly re-cap: really happy to find you and your thoughts here. lots to say about your last post. check out I'm a proud member. It's pretty amazing, and truly international. Also, my friend Ricardo's amazing piece at

One idea might be to have people from both vigils who you know read it and then come together for discussion. Proved useful here in the Twin Cities. Much love to you...